
217 FOREST, FOREST B, BEECH FOREST, BEECH ( 8-0877) (0,7mm) 8-0877 ( 8-0855) 8-0855 5-5200, 5-5207 B MS 40 x 16 mm MS 55 x 13 mm Metallspitze Scha�t Metallclip Drücker 5-5800 L 20 x 4 mm MS 40 x 16 mm MS + 55 x 13 mm Metallspitze Scha�t Metallclip Drücker metal t ip barrel metal clip push-button metal t ip barrel metal clip push-button  Ž  Ž  ➀� Farb-Code/ Minen FOREST B BEECH FOREST 5-5200 5-5207 B 5-5800 5-5200 5-5207 B 5-5800 Color code/ Reflls � � � � 05-W001 08-W001 Only PEFC-cert i� ied german beechwood is used �or t he uma writ ing utensils made o� wood. Through special processing o� t he sust ainable raw mat erial, t he nat ural product t ransport s it s advert ising message in a re� ined and beaut i� ul design to t he customer. Wood is a nat ural mat erial wit h a great variety o� colours and t ext ures (grain e��ect ). 5-5200: Wooden ret ract able ballpoint pen wit h nickel-plat ed met al clip and met al t ip. Barrel in PEFC-cert i� ied german beechwood wit h prot ect ive varnish coat ing. 5-5207 B: Wooden mechanical pen (0.7 mm) wit h nickel-plat ed met al clip and met al t ip. Barrel in PEFC-cert i� ied german beechwood wit h prot ect ive varnish coat ing. Suit able �or 5-5200. 5-5800 : Wooden ret ract able ballpoint pen wit h met al clip and met al t ip in shiny silver. Barrel in PEFC-cert i� ied german beechwood wit h prot ect ive varnish coat ing. 5-5200, 5-5207 B Minimum quant ity es 300 piec Advert ising code barrel MS 5-5800 Minimum quant ity 300 pieces Advert ising code barrel MS, clip L 5-5200: Holz-Druckkugelschreiber mit vernickelt em Met allclip und Met allspit ze. Scha�t aus schut zlackiert em PEFC-zert i ert e deut schen � izi m Buchenholz. 5-5207 B: Holz-Druckbleist i�t (0,7 mm) mit vernickelt em Met allclip und Met allspit ze. Scha�t aus schut zlackiert em PEFC-zert i� iziert em deut schen Buchenholz. Passend zu Art ikel 5-5200. 5-5800: Holz-Druckkugelschreiber mit silber glänzendem Met allclip und Met all- spit ze. Scha�t aus schut zlackiert em PEFC-zert i� iziert em deut schen Buchenholz. 5-5200, 5-5207 B Mindest best ellmenge ck 300 St ü Werbeschlüssel Scha�t MS 5-5800 Mindest best ellmenge 300 St ück Werbeschlüssel Scha�t MS, Clip L